November 2022 Newsletter: It is a wrap! A story of Impact!

It is a wrap! A story of Impact!
The recently concluded AYITI 3.0 was with a bang.
For the very first time, 13 children graduated from AYITI 3.0, against my usual 5 to 20 ratio of AYITI graduates. A lot of people were moved to tears as they heard the stories of these children and their journey so far. It was an intense 52-weeks of rigorous training.
Ifeoluwa, emerged as the CODE GENERAL for this cohort. It wasn't an easy selection knowing she battled with the bravest, the strongest and smartest of AYITI 3.0 for this fate. The games and quizzes leading up to her victory comprised of all they had learnt so far.
It turned out that life had its own plans and selected a winner!
Congrats, Code General!
She was presented with the AYITI coconut pendant.
As I did the honours, I flashed back simultaneously to how I had met her; I remember every detail.
For now, we will keep mentoring our 13 graduates for the next 5 years lest they derail.
We will also be adding them to our Alumni group. Having come thus far, I am sincerely grateful to all donors, parents, volunteers, mentors and God – we made history together again.
I am moved to do more.
So, I’m back on the street to seek the next "AYITIST". 🙂
I am eager for the next challenge.
Growing excitement and fingers crossed.